Thousands of cancer patients to spend Christmas alone this year…

An estimated 400,000 people living with cancer in the UK are expected to be alone over the Christmas period, according to new data commissioned by Macmillan Cancer Support. The poll, which surveyed 1,011 adults online*, concluded that one in six (16 per cent) believe Christmas and other festive events such as New Year are a […]
NHS ‘missing opportunities’ to learn from patient deaths…

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found that the NHS is ‘missing opportunities’ to learn from patient deaths and that investigations are inconsiderate of patients’ families. As part of a national review basing its evidence on visits to 12 NHS trusts; a national survey of all NHS trusts providing mental health, acute and community services; […]
Guest Blog, Rachel Dryden: Staff motivation tips for the New Year…

Silverline Care recognises the current challenges the industry faces in recruiting and retaining great staff, and are working to build an internal resource of the best talent in the industry across their seven homes. Rachel Dryden, CEO of Silverline Care has introduced a unique Developing Potential Programme, with the aim of giving staff confidence to […]
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Guest Blog, Grainne McCarthy: The rising popularity of live-in care…

Following the recent report by The Insolvency Service, which found that 380 care businesses have shut in the last six years, the popularity of live-in care as an option has grown amongst the elderly and the sandwich generation carers. First and foremost, live-in care has been found to be better for the care recipient’s health. […]
BMA: Pressures in general practice placing patient safety under threat…

The safety and quality of patient care in general practice in England is under threat from rising workload pressures, according to a new British Medical Association (BMA) survey of more than 5,000 GPs. The Urgent Prescription for General Practice found eight out of ten GPs (84 per cent) believe that workload pressures are either ‘unmanageable’ […]
Shortage of support taking its toll on carers health and finances…

New findings released by Carers UK have found that people looking after older or disabled loved ones are missing out on much needed financial and practical support. Coinciding with Carers Rights Day (November 25), the charity discovered as many as 52 per cent of the total 5,682 collected responses claim missing out on support as a result of not identifying as a carer impacted negatively […]
Industry Spotlight: “The huge funding gap in homecare services means perfect storm lies ahead of us”…

Barry Sweetbaum, founder of award-winning home care provider SweetTree, responds to the UKHCA’s recent report on the estimated £513 million funding gap and the quality of care in the ‘widespread and systematic underfunding of homecare services for older people’. The Homecare Deficit 2016 report highlighted under-resourcing of state-funded homecare using information obtained from Freedom of […]
Another step forward for the right for Palliative Care…

The right to Palliative Care has been raised again at the House of Lords as the Palliative Care Bill makes its second reading. Introduced by Baroness Ilora Finlay, the bill entitles everyone to high quality care at the end of their life, regardless of geographical location. The bill will also include a duty placed on […]