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Councils urged to back public call to end the crisis in social care

Momentum is growing behind free personal care for the over 65s in England, with Independent Age calling on local councillors to support the movement. Health care leaders have been longtime advocates of free personal health care to the over 65s, something that is available in Scotland, but as yet not in England or Wales, where […]

NHS long-term plan ‘severely limited’ when it comes to social care

The NHS Long Term Plan, which sets out how the £20.5 billion budget settlement for the NHS will be spent over the next 5 years, doesn’t do enough to solve the issues in social care, according to leading industry figures. In general terms the plan includes measures the government says will help prevent 150,000 heart attacks, […]

Independent Age calls for more counselling for the bereaved

Older people who have experienced the death of a partner are up to four times more likely to experience depression than older people who haven’t been bereaved. In addition, they are more likely to have worse mental health as a result of bereavement than working age adults. Despite this, they are less likely to be […]

One-third of older people say loneliness is ‘out of their control’…

More than one in three (35 per cent) of those aged 75 and over in the UK say that feelings of loneliness are out of their control, according to a new survey by the older people’s charity, Independent Age. The ‘If you’re feeling lonely: How to stay connected in older age’ guide found that almost […]