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Online pharmacy Frosts passes CQC inspection across all categories of care

Frosts Pharmacy’s online dispensing arm and doctor services www.oxfordonlinepharmacy.co.uk has passed a focused inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), across all categories of care.

The business, which provides professional online doctor services to more than 40,000 patients, underwent the announced focused inspection on June 12, 2017, to demonstrate that it had carried out its plan to meet legal requirements in relation to the original CQC inspection, in January 2017, which resulted in warning notices being issued.

Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP, Chief Inspector of General Practice for the CQC, concluded in the report that: “The provider had taken actions to make improvements and were now providing safe, effective and well-led services in accordance with the relevant regulations.”

Among the main findings of the report, the CQC concluded that:

  • Prescribing decisions were being made in line with best practice
  • The provider had introduced a new system to check patients’ identity and ensured that the system was consistently applied
  • Systems had been introduced to assist patients in the event of a medical emergency during consultation
  • Appropriate recruitment checks and induction processes were in place for all staff

The Frosts Pharmacy Group was established in 1925 and is owned by the original founder’s grandson, Managing Director, Stuart Gale. He explained: “We are delighted to be able to announce that we have passed the CQC’s focused inspection. Back in January, some areas for improvement were identified and we responded immediately, making the necessary changes.

“The CQC sets the gold standard in digital healthcare, a role which is vital in helping consumers to safely access medication online. We welcome their involvement.

“Our business seeks to combine the very best of traditional pharmacy with the convenience of online dispensing and this positive review of our services demonstrates our dedication to putting patient safety first.”

In recent years there has been a significant increase in people accessing their healthcare online and, with digital healthcare forming an integral part of the NHS’ Five Year Forward View, the provision of safer, more accessible healthcare has never been higher up the agenda.

The CQC is currently reviewing 39 online services, with the latest round of inspections due to be completed in Autumn 2017. To date, the CQC has published reports on 15 online providers of primary care.

The Frosts Pharmacy Group comprises three pharmacies in Banbury and Oxford as well as the online dispensing arm of the business.


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