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LGA responds to Age UK report on adult social care

The Local Government Association claims that a lack of funding for adult care will create a ‘crisis’ in the NHS.

Responding to a report by Age UK on a rise in unmet care needs and the costs to the NHS of delayed discharges due to a lack of social care, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “People’s unmet care needs will continue to increase and deepen the crisis in adult social care unless the sector receives a long-term funding settlement, like the NHS, and further funding is made available for council’s public health and prevention services.

“To prevent crises in the NHS, government needs to plug the £3.5 billion funding gap facing adult social care by 2025 and reverse the £600 million in reductions to councils’ public health grants between 2015/16 and 2019/20.

“But, crucially, we need to address the root causes of ill-health and loss of independence as well as the symptoms of system pressures, such as growing demand on our hospitals. Investment in councils’ prevention work in our communities is vital in reducing demands on the NHS and will save money to the public purse.

“Since July 2017, delayed transfers of care due to social care have fallen by about 30 per cent, while NHS-related delayed transfers of care have reduced by 8 per cent, as a result of the fantastic work by councils despite significant funding reductions, resource pressures and increased demand.

“Following the disappointing delay in the Government’s green paper until the autumn, the LGA will be publishing its own green paper on adult social care this month, to help stimulate a debate on how to fund the care we want to see in all our communities up and down the country in both the short and long term, for adults of all ages.”


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